Making the invisible visible

Joy of Learning (CM 30sec)

Beyond Calculation (CM 15sec)
About Gakken Classroom

- TARGET5-12 years old
- CONTENTSTwice a week and daily homework
Gakken Classroom fosters abilities and skills essential for the coming age
The Gakken Classroom brand was created in 1980 with the ardent desire to help children gain self-confidence and experience the joy of learning. Gakken Classroom currently has over 15,000 learning centers with over 420,000 members learning at them. In the face of the changing demands for education and in response to a wave of requests from abroad, we also expanded overseas in 2014.
Seeking education which suits the coming age, people around the world call for education
which focuses not just on visible skills such as test scores, but which fosters invisible skills which cannot be measured with numbers, such as logical thinking skills, zest for living, learning motivation, learning attitude and morals. Technological development and globalization offer us new opportunities. On the other hand, the fast-paced changes come with uncertainty. In the coming age, we will need invisible skills such as logical thinking skills, problem-solving skills and concentration more than ever.
Our Philosophy
Gakken Classroom fosters the ability to succeed in the world as an adult and to have the correct, beautiful, and sincere attitude and mind of an upstanding member of global society.

In order to assure that the children experience the joy of learning and gain self-confidence, the learning pace is customized according to each child’s ability. This allows solid acquisition of academic abilities. The skills and confidence they acquire through active learning will later become valuable life skills for them.
Members can study all four areas of arithmetic: “Number and Calculation,” “Shapes,” “Measurement, Change, and Relationships,” and “Use of Data,” enabling them to gain a solid understanding of their schoolwork. In addition, students can study deeper content from textbooks and acquire a higher level of academic skills.
Our Original Worksheet


Numbers and Calculations
Quantities and Measurements
Geometrical Figures
Mathematical Relations
Members can study all four areas of arithmetic: “Number and Calculation,” “Shapes,” “Measurement, Change, and Relationships,” and “Use of Data,” enabling them to gain a solid understanding of their schoolwork. In addition, students can study deeper content from textbooks and acquire a higher level of academic skills.
Science Experiment Course

Science Experiment Course
Gakken Science Experiment has a history of more than 60 years in the field.
Our aim is to help children between the age of 5 to 12 to discover the joy of learning. The science experiments would help to nurture their sense of inquiry, creative and inventiveness.
Our science experiments are child-driven, hands-on and activity-based because children learn and understand best from what they can see, feel and manipulate. The experiments are conducted individually, in a group or demonstrated by a teacher.
Science Experiment Classroom Concept holds three principle idea on how to help a child excel in the science subject which is, Observe, Explore, and Reflect. A child learns fastest through observation from the minute they were born.

We put high value on “Why” and “How”
Group Experiment
Demonstrated by an instructor

Individual Experiment
With student kit

Writing a report
Guidance Principles
Visible and invisible skills

Self-learning skills
Individualize for each child’s ability and character, foster self-learning attitudes and skills.

Tokuiku 徳育
Value communication, have them learn the rules of society, and ensure a well-rounded education covering, “intellect, emotion and volition.”

Visible and Invisible Skills

Visible and Invisible Skills
At Gakken Classroom, the children learn much more than just how to get the correct answer.
Through correcting their own mistakes through trial and error, they develop perseverance, concentration and resilience, which leads to mental endurance and the ability to adapt to the situation. They learn self-control and teamwork by strictly adhering to the
Gakken Classroom rules as they conduct their learning activities.
These invisible skills are said to stay with you forever once you have acquired them and contribute directly toward success as an adult.
To foster the skills needed to succeed in our rapidly changing world, Gakken Classroom aims to provide the children with a balance of both visible and invisible skills.

What are the non-cognitive skills getting attention from around the world?
Cognitive skills (Visible skills) are skills that can be measured with numbers;
in a word, they are measured according to outcomes. In contrast, non-cognitive skills (Invisible skills) cannot be captured through numbers and are important not for the outcome itself but for the process of getting there. They are a set of skills which can enrich the future of children.
Included among the non-cognitive skills are concentration, perseverance,
confidence, self-esteem, leadership, self-initiative, social competence, empathy, and the list goes on. To sum them up in a word, you might call them “human qualities” or “living skills.”
It is possible to build non-cognitive skills as an adult, but it is widely believed that they are most subject to growth up to around 10 years of age. Thanks to these new insights, non-cognitive skills are gathering more and more attention from around the world.
Self-Learning Skills

Self-Learning Skills

Learning Worksheets
Learning Methods

Gakken Classroom's Sensei
Gakken Classroom helps children become responsible members of society who are conscientious of and can empathize with others
Gakken Classroom nurtures not just academic abilities but also the morals which are the basis for independent individuals who can live cooperative and full lives. We believe that being able to do the common sense things we tend to neglect, working little by little each day towards a goal and manners and conscientiousness toward others will be useful in a variety of situations in the children’s future. Our focus is not merely on being able to get a 100 (i.e. to get the correct answers), but on the invisible skills needed to work at a task persistently and deliberately until its completion.

What is Tokuiku?

Tidy up your own shoes
Tidying up your shoes is to tidy up your mind.It also leads to conscientiousness; tidying up your own shoes makes room for others to put their shoes.
Learn with correct posture

Line up in order
Staying in order means regulating your own wants and leads to greater self-control.
Clean up your desk after you finish
Cleaning up leads to consideration for the next person to use the desk and for those around you.

About Gakken

Since 1946

Founder's Message

Becoming Gakken Classroom Franchise
We are inviting applications to open Gakken Classroom Franchise
Customers Voice